Over deze website

Het doel van deze website is om deel uit te maken van de exclusieve verzamelwereld. Omdat we over veel onderwerpen veel informatie verstrekken, gaan we er niet van uit dat alle inhoud en afbeeldingen historisch gezien volledig correct zijn. Soms zijn beelden bedoeld om zaken over een tijd of streek op artistieke wijze beter te kunnen beleven. Soms geven we algemene informatie over onderwerpen waar experts wellicht een beter zicht op hebben. Beschouw de informatie op deze website alstublieft niet als een waarheid die niet door u persoonlijk hoeft te worden gecontroleerd.

Als u opmerkingen heeft over een betere manier om de bezoekers van deze website te informeren, neem dan contact met ons op.

Products and Generative AI

This website uses additional Generative AI images to provide a better experience of the ancient world. Although we can also do this for our products, we opt for the products to contain only their real images, as the products to be bought should not be enhanced or made to look better than they really are. We love the exclusive items we sell, but also focus on ethical use of added imagery.

To give you an example of what we can do with product photos, it is better to be considered a form of art. For that purpose, we have not provided these images with the products themselves.

Facts and Generative AI

This website uses additional Generative AI to enhance the information about products, cultures, regions, player information, etc. to enhance the overall experience of the era the collectible was part of. Do know that Generative AI is great and has many facts right and information in order, you always have to check for yourself to be entirely sure.

To be sure of any historical facts and information we encourage you to use credible sources such as Wikipedia, a history professor or collectible expert to get informed in more detail. There might even be a hidden gem that we have priced too low, you never know...

Just to make sure, there never was an Apple laptop found in ancient Mesopotiamia.


We see the use of Generative AI as a way to express ourselves as a form of art and invite you to a world of collectibles as never seen before. Any content produced has been accompanied with human thought about its contents, expression, ethics and intention.

All our content is a form of art, a representation of our view on the magic world of collectibles and has differences from real life photos on purpose.

No original photographs or images have been used in the creation process of our content.


We are well aware of the fact that AI generated content produces more impact on the use of computer power than normal. As we do choose to use this technology for the use of a better experience, we also focus on limiting our environmental footprint.

AI tooling is in constant development and can regenerate content quite easily. We take a thoughtful approach to this process and will limit regeneration processes when possible, while maintaining the experience you deserve.

(Re-)Use of Content

Please do not re-use or distribute our content in any way that could offend or harm a person, culture or ethnic group. If you have any objection with some of our created content, please reach out to us to facilitate a discussion.

When you do re-use our content we would appreciate being mentioned as a source. Also feel free to re-use our content for educational purposes.

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